WARNING: Scam Alert

WARNING: Exhibitor Scam Alert

As the 2025 h+h americas® (HHA) approaches, we are hearing from some of our exhibitors that they have received calls from a company called “Check In Now” and claim to be in charge of handling hotel reservations for people associated with the show. These solicitations are scams. HHA Show attendees are responsible for their own travel and Koelnmesse & h+h americas has not hired an outside company to confirm or modify hotel accommodations for the show. Moreover, these scammers do not have access to any portion of HHA exhibitor information, which means they have obtained HHA exhibitor phone numbers from a non-Koelnmesse & h+h americas source. If you receive such a solicitation, we encourage you to hang up and notify Koelnmesse & h+h americas.


Unfortunately, there are many travel companies that try to present themselves as being an official part of the HHA. They are NOT. They frequently offer attractive prices for familiar hotels, but be aware that these offers are usually untrue. Koelnmesse Inc and our official hotel partners are the only official providers of housing for the HHA. Be aware and avoid dealing with these deceptive companies. For questions about housing, please contact Sean Lenahan at info@hh-americas.com.

Koelnmesse Inc & h+h americas has been informed that HHA Exhibitors are being targeted by companies unaffiliated with HHA, offering an attendee list for the “h+h americas Conference & Exhibition” and other variations on the name h+h americas Show.

Please be aware that these companies have nothing to do with Koelnmesse Inc. or the h+h americas Show. The attendee mailing list for the show are NOT available.

Koelnmesse Inc. has been informed that HHA Exhibitors are often targeted by a Slovakian company (and other foreign country locations) with an apparent offer to update your pre-registered, free listing “in our exhibitors’ directory.” The offer may look like it comes from the organizers of the h+h americas Show. It does NOT – HHA and Koelnmesse Inc. have absolutely nothing to do with this company or its directory. While the name of the directory “Fair Guide” and the name of the company “Construct Data Publishers” are cleverly located at the bottom of the letter, the name and trademark of the show – “h+h americas” – are prominently placed at the top of the letter and right above the greeting. Do not be fooled by this unauthorized use of the HHA name and trademark.

The intent of the letter is to get exhibitors to “confirm the accuracy of your details” on an attached form, and then to sign the form at the bottom, right below the fine print, as though you were attesting to the accuracy of the details. The fine print is actually an irrevocable Order to purchase a full-page insertion in the alleged Fair Guide for three (3) years at the price of $1,877 per year. Also in the fine print is an agreement to be bound by Slovakian law, and a statement that the Slovakian company can appoint a third party, like an unscrupulous collection agency, to sue you in your local jurisdiction.

Koelnmesse Inc. warns all HHA Exhibitors to read this offer carefully – the apparent offer for a free listing can easily turn into an unintended order to purchase a three-year paid insertion costing over $5,600!