Fabric, Craft & Sewing Supplies Industry in the United States
Market Trends
Crafts and creative activities may refer to a wide variety of hobbies that typically involve making things with one’s own hands. Such activities, first popularized by the “arts and crafts” movement of the early Victorian era, include skills in sewing, woodworking, painting, and sculpting. According to the 2021 Statista Global Consumer Survey, over a quarter of respondents in the United States reported arts and crafts as a hobby or interest. Meanwhile, online searchers of creative activities in the U.S. rose significantly during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic as people were compelled to find ways to entertain themselves while staying at home. Other industries that cater to arts and crafts have also been impacted by its growing popularity. In 2020, craft, puzzle, and hobby magazines accounted for the second-highest number of new magazines launched in the U.S. that year.