h+h americas 2024 offered a wealth of creative insights and inspirations for attendees and exhibitors alike. We’re incredibly proud of the rich environment we’ve fostered for craft businesses, entrepreneurs, retailers, and creatives and continue to seek ways to expand our offerings to serve even more craft industry members. 

In a tactile industry like crafts, it’s more important than ever to invest in live events to strengthen community, forge new connections, discover products, and grow your business. h+h americas’ one-of-a-kind live event supports craft businesses and individuals who make a living in crafts with a curated shopping experience and the opportunity to participate in focused educational experiences and networking events. We provide endless opportunities to explore new tools, techniques, and trends. Our goal is for those who attend h+h americas to leave with the knowledge and inspiration to approach their product offerings and customer base with fresh eyes and a wealth of new ideas and innovations.  

Whether you’re remembering the 2024 show fondly or feeling FOMO because you were unable to attend, we want you to still feel like you’re part of the h+h americas experience. That’s why we’re excited to announce the 2024 h+h americas Lookbook celebrating this year’s show!

Free for all to download, the 2024 h+h americas Lookbook offers a deep dive into this year’s show. Learn more about new features we launched at h+h americas 2024, like the NexGen Artist, an initiative that shines a spotlight on emerging creatives in the craft industry, and the Famoré Cutlery Cosplay Fashion Show Competition, which highlighted and awarded the diverse artists in the cosplay community. 

The 90-page Lookbook also includes a look at h+h cologne 2024, a coupon code to join the Craft Industry Alliance at a discounted rate, and FREE patterns from Katia Yarns, Keenen Hand Dyed Yarn, and First Byte Designs. We’ve also provided insight into all the clothing and accessories that strutted down the h+h americas 2024 fashion show runway. Discover new products and innovations taking the craft industry by storm and get ahead of the trends so you’re ready for next year. 

Download the 2024 h+h americas Lookbook now to spark your creativity and prepare for h+h americas 2025!