Creator Studio

Book the FREE content creator studio at h+h americas. The studio has a computer (OBS installed), two cameras, 3 mics, a RODECaster Pro 2 mixer, and wired internet. Live stream or record your show from h+h americas. (If we update the equipment, we will let you know.) You can record your podcast to the RODECaster Pro 2 mixer; you must bring an SD card. If you are recording a video, bring your USB to take home the file. Once you book your time slot, we will send videos on how to use the equipment we provide.

For each booking time of 45 minutes (studio time), we will add 15 minutes before and after each time slot. Your total time with the studio is 1.5 hours for each booking.

Please note all bookings will be reviewed and approved.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact

We have a few requests when you use the studio:

  1. Please tag #hhamericas25 in your post.
  2. Please thank the sponsors for providing the studio. (We will provide a brief script)
  3. Please tag the sponsors in your post.

When you tag #hhamericas25 you will be on our social wall – check in out:

We can’t wait to see the amazing shows you will produce at h+h americas 2025. Enjoy the creative process, and have a blast!