Sponsor the 2nd Annual Cosplay Competition, Fashion Show & Exhibition!
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Why Sponsor h+h americas Cosplay?
Direct Representation to Cosplay Artists: Connect with the very heart of the cosplay community. Interact directly with artists, creators, and enthusiasts who are eager to explore and use your products. Attend the Cosplay Maker Meetup Thursday, 4 PM, during the cocktail hour after the Fashion Show in Hall D.
Dedicated Cosplay Page in Event Directory: Get noticed on our dedicated Cosplay page in our event directory. We will highlight your company name and logo, ensuring attendees can easily find and learn about your company at h+h americas.
Dedicated Cosplay Page on Event Website: Secure your virtual space on our event website with your company name and logo where thousands of visitors will discover your brand.
Special Section in Mobile App: Gain visibility through our dedicated Cosplay section in the show’s mobile app, ensuring that attendees have easy access to your company’s name, logo, and information.
Main Stage Signage: Your brand will be front and center on the main stage signage, captivating the attention of all attendees and participants.
Sponsorship Signage at Cosplay Display Area: Prominent signage at the permanent Cosplay display will ensure your brand stands out and is associated with the exciting world of cosplay. We will list your company name and logo.
Special Social Media Mentions: Enjoy dedicated mentions and shoutouts on our event’s social media channels, reaching a broad and engaged audience.
Nominate a Judge: Premiere and Gold tier sponsors can select a representative from their company to join our esteemed judging committee, contributing to the fair evaluation of the exceptional cosplay creations.
Nationwide Marketing: We will market this new, exciting Cosplay Competition, Fashion Show & Exhibition nationwide through creators, exhibitors, and industry groups.

Secure Your Sponsorship Today! Spaces are limited!
Don’t miss this unique opportunity to become an integral part of h+h americas Cosplay Competition, Fashion Show & Exhibition, where imagination knows no bounds, and creativity reigns supreme.
PLATINUM SPONSOR Top-Level Sponsor of h+h americas Cosplay Competition, Fashion Show & Exhibition. (1 sponsorship available) / Cost: $3,250 ($1,750 cash and $1,500 minimum product or product credit) (1 sponsorship available) SOLD
[Your Company Name] presents h+h americas Cosplay Competition, Fashion Show & Exhibition! Company name as Premier Sponsor on top tier signage of event Main Stage, at the Cosplay Exhibition mannequin display, and on all sponsor signage throughout the event; listing on h+h americas website and in event directory with your company name and logo; 1/2 page ad in event directory; one dedicated social media post.
The global cosplay costumes market size was valued at $4,625 million in 2020, and is projected to reach $23,008.3 million by 2030, registering a Compound Annual Growth Rate of 17.4% from 2021 to 2030.
(4 sponsorships available) | Cost: $2,000 ($1,000 cash and $1,000 minimum product or product credit)
Company name as Gold Sponsor on signage of event Main Stage, at the Cosplay Exhibition mannequin display, and on all sponsor signage throughout the event; listing on h+h americas website and in event directory with your company name and logo; ¼ page ad in event directory.
NEW: Additional opportunity for Gold Sponsor to name a prize linked directly to your company’s product (ie: The Perfectly Pressed Award from an iron company or the Stitched with Perfection Award from a sewing machine or thread company, Top Notch Knitting from a yarn company). This prize will be named and presented on behalf of your company as the sponsor.
(10 sponsorships available) | Cost: $1,650 ($650 cash and $1,000 minimum product or product credit)
Company name as Silver Sponsor on signage of event Main Stage, at the Cosplay Exhibition mannequin display, and on all sponsor signage throughout the event; listing on h+h americas website and in the event directory with your company name and logo.
(4 sponsorships available) | Cost: $550 cash
Company name as Bronze Sponsor with smaller branding on signage of event Main Stage, at the Cosplay Exhibition mannequin display, and on all sponsor signage throughout the event; listing on the h+h americas website and in the event directory with your company name and logo.
Jessica Boweak
NA Key Accounts,
h+h cologne exhibitors,
Domestic companies starting with A-H
Eileen Lynch
Domestic companies starting with I – P
Nadine Schwartz
Domestic companies starting with Q – Z
Leslie Fleck
International Sales