We’re less than a year from h+h americas 2025. While that may seem like a long time, it’s never too early to get excited and start planning for next year’s show!

h+h americas 2025 promises to be bigger and better than the shows before it. We’ve heard from several attendees that to truly experience everything the show has to offer, you must plan to attend all 4 days of h+h americas.

As of July 12, 2024, 220 exhibitors from 22 nations have already secured their spots at h+h americas 2025!

With a show this big and still growing, you can’t expect to see everything if you only arrive for a day or two. We added an additional day to h+h americas 2024 just to accommodate all the new content and events we created for the craft community. And based on the feedback we received, Tuesday events aren’t going anywhere! If you don’t show up on Tuesday, you’ll miss:

  • Product Academy
  • Masterclasses
  • Content Creator Summit
  • Content Creator Party
  • Sample It
  • And other surprises currently in the works…

There’s something for everyone in the craft industry every day of the show, whether you’re an educator, entrepreneur, executive, shop owner, content creator, or crafter. We plan to double the size of events like Sample It to enable even more people to attend, which means even more products to explore and networking to do!

h+h americas is dedicated to creating a communal event that unites the soft crafts industry, because we know we’re stronger when we work together. Handi Quilter CEO Mark Hyland revealed during his keynote on May 3 that aside from quilting and sewing, knitting is actually in a quilter’s top 5 craft activities. (Watch the keynote here).

This demonstrates the commingling of the crafts industry. We are not as divided as we may believe. Quilters are learning how to incorporate yarn into their quilt projects; knitters are learning how to embroider their sweaters; embroiderers are seeking ways to incorporate fabrics into their needlepoint projects. By opening up our minds to the possibility of crafting cross-pollination, we’re also opening up new income streams, welcoming new and different crafters into our worlds, and strengthening one another’s businesses.

With that being said, we’re also exploring the creation of craft-specific zones to deepen the experience for our attendees. We can’t release the news just yet as we’re still in the planning phase, but expect to see large spaces on the show floor, dedicated specifically for quilters, knitters and crocheters, needlepointers, and more. These zones will offer access to new products, space for casual networking (potentially with refreshments!), and the opportunity to explore elements of your chosen craft in a focused space.

So, how can you get ready for h+h americas 2025 right now?

If you’re an exhibitor… secure your booth space!

The floor is filling up and you don’t want to wait until the last minute to grab your spot on the floor.

If you’re an attendee… hotel blocks are open!

Hotels tend to fill up really quickly—especially the ones closest to the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center. Don’t wait to lock in your accommodations!