Launch your business

Space is limited; sign up today!
What is the Launchpad?
Launch Pad is a unique platform that provides newer companies to the creative industry the opportunity to participate in h+h americas at a lower cost.
Craft supply retailers are always looking for emerging makers to feature, and h+h americas is a great way to get your product in front of them. Knowing how overwhelming in can be to participate in a show for the first time, we needed to come up with a marketing vehicle to make the process easier for the Newcomers. The Launch Pad – the Newcomer Pavilion is designed to help solo-prenuers and small startups in all segments of the craft industry to take advantage of this opportunity with support, guidance and a turn-key exhibit!
Exhibitors in the Newcomer Pavilion will receive special discounted pricing for a cooperative space in the center of the action on the show floor. In addition, you will get help building the wholesale segment of your business, with special education and networking events to set you up for success at h+h americas and moving forward.
We’re excited for you to be part of h+h americas!
Participation guidelines
- Minimum 50% ownership by applicant
- In business 3 years or less
- Ability to wholesale
An application does not guarantee approval to join the special group exhibit.
Booth price includes:
Exhibit space (10’ x 5’) with black draped, 6 foot black-draped table, 2 chairs, a power outlet, carpet, lead retrieval software, and a basic exhibitor listing.

• Canvas
• Inks
• Colored pencils
• Stencils
• Paint
• Brushes
• Adhesives
• Watercolors

• Cardstock
• Scrapbook paper
• Stickers
• Ink pads
• Rubber stamps
• Embellishments

• Pencils
• Markers
• Storage
• Scissors
• Tools
• Craft Kits
• Planners

• Shipping & eCommerce
• Literature
• Packaging